TOB was the only active game in the 2010s, until around 2013-2014 when it started to die off. A forum made by the remaining RTB crew (about 100 people) called AnodRTB was active until around then. After it was up again it was the final blow that killed off any active community for good. (I still got it, now its Truenos Colorset, But Original is a little bit another.) Custard. In 2011, GarageGames master server went down for half a year. Blockland Forums » Blockland Forums » General Discussion » What colorset do you guys use Poll. But a dedicated community kept RTB (and TBM) alive for a few more years. pre-retail community died off rapidly in 20 when Blockland was released for sale. Return To Blockland ceased development after Summer 2006 ( RTB 1.045) TBM went off the radar after 2006 or 2007, but a newer generation pretty much took over the code and made a newer game off of it, called TOB. The pre-retail community split into two, essentially.
Return To Blockland, The Better Mod and AiO died out between 20. Since then, the population declined at a steady rate. However, vanilla continued to be very active until late 2006. Due to this, much of vanilla's population shifted towards the mods. Vanilla Blockland thrived, until Summer 2005, when many mods were competing, such as AiO, RTB, TBM, Blockland Mods, and more. Badspot claimed that since the screening, 20,000 people have downloaded Blockland Vanilla since it became big. It first got popular when The Screen Savers broadcasted a three minute video on it. Download ColorsetTrueno.zip (Last Updated: Fri 2:19 pm) Installation Put ColorsetTrueno.zip into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder. Originally released on November 14th, 2004, Vanilla lacked many features, as it only includes a few bricks, seven colors (red, yellow, blue, green, white, grey, black), three maps, a hammer, wand and a spraycan. It is most commonly known as Vanilla Blockland, or 0002. Vanilla is the nickname for the prototype version of blockland.